Expanding your Business Globally: Why Language Training Should be your Priority

When expanding your business globally, it’s important to make sure that your new strategy is profitable and successful. One key way of ensuring success is to invest in developing language training amongst your staff, as this will ensure you’re reaching the widest audience possible, therefore expanding your customer base.
Create global opportunities
Prioritising language training will open up business opportunities globally, as well as expand the career horizons of your employees. From a business perspective, you will benefit from having bilingual members of staff who are able to work with international clients or partners, without having to rely on additional translation services or support from colleagues. Your team members will benefit on a personal level as well by being bilingual as this skill can help to enhance their career opportunities on an international level.
Improve customer perception via language training
Being able to communicate with the large majority of your international customer base will ensure you build successful relationships with as much of your audience as possible. Improving your language skills throughout the company will not only benefit internal discourse between departments, but it will also foster respect and trust between you and your customers as they will hold more positive associations with your company and remember you for the future.
This is why it is essential to champion local leaders for your language learning strategy. If you have effective leaders in charge of your local teams, they can develop a strong understanding of the language and culture to build a local strategy that’s considered and proven to drive forward business expansion. Once the local leaders have built up and strengthened their areas, global expansion will follow, with a strong and stable base to grow from.
Ensure your products and services are diverse
When we consider the positive effect of multilingualism and socio-cultural understanding within business, it’s often from an angle of what impact it will have on selling but this isn’t the only benefit. By making the investment in language training and being able to boast of a multilingual team, you will find you can also diversify your products and services.
- Translate, edit and localise company materials (including adverts and websites)
- Subtitle and dub any videos you have, for training purposes, advertisements or web content
- Have a presence at conferences offered in a variety of languages
Adapting to local and international markets will build on your brand, as well as on your products and services, therefore making you far more accessible to a wider, global market and making your expansion strategy far more successful.
Businesses that have always focused on strengthening communication skills have always set themselves apart. As companies become more and more globalised, multilingual skills are becoming increasingly critical for success and having a workforce that is confident in communicating in multiple languages can only have a positive effect on your business as a whole. Prioritising language training for global expansion increases your opportunities for winning new business, building on your product base and boosting your profits via international sales.
Image source - Busuu
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