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What Does a Busuu Language Learning Programme Look Like and How Can it Help your Retail Business?

Written by Admin | Feb 1, 2023 12:27:58 PM

Retail is a fast-paced, demanding industry and employees need to be able to communicate quickly and effectively with customers and colleagues. A language learning programme like Busuu’s can help equip your staff with the communication skills they need to excel in their role.

The Busuu language learning programme is the perfect way to help retail businesses broaden their customer base. Offering multilingual support and customer service is one of the easiest ways to appeal to a wider range of potential shoppers - and with Busuu, it's easier than ever. The comprehensive selection of language courses are designed for all levels and feature interactive practice exercises, helpful grammar tips and enough topics to keep any learner engaged. Whether you're looking to add an extra layer of polish to your customer service or give staff athorough grasp of more than just the basics, Busuu is here to help you get there. Now that it's easier to access international markets, there's never been a better time to start mastering a new language.

What does a Busuu language learning programme look like?

Trying out a Busuu language learning programme could be just what you need to improve your multilingual skills. In each lesson, you'll learn new vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation by completing activities on the app or website. You can also practice listening and speaking with native speakers while receiving feedback from our community of language learners. We ensure we offer lessons that are fun and original, so language learners will be kept interested and engaged during the whole process. 

What can language learners expect from Busuu?

Busuu is the perfect platform to help you take control of your language learning journey. With high-quality content and interactive activities, there are plenty of ways to get yourself immersed in the language you're trying to learn. To make the most of Busuu, we suggest setting yourself small goals or rewards and using flashcards to strengthen your vocabulary skills. Additionally, make sure to practice speaking the language frequently as this can greatly improve your confidence. Keep your team motivated and on track by having them take some time at the end of each session to recap and map out what the next steps will be.

What a retail business can expect from the Busuu language learning programme

Some of the world’s biggest retail brands, such as PUMA and Inditex have chosen Busuu as their language provider, so you can be sure that we understand the retail sector. As we focus on the business language skills that will actually prove useful, companies can be certain that all methods of communication will be covered, from corporate negotiations to meetings, presentations and so much more. 

With Busuu offering support to all levels of learning, you can set up your business employees at a learning level that suits their starting point, be it beginner, intermediate or expert. Tailored study plans will help assess the goals you want to achieve and how often you can learn. The flexibility of the learning is a huge positive as we recognise that retail isn’t a 9-5 industry. Our self-paced courses allow for irregular shift patterns in order to help your employees keep up with their learning and for you to improve employee retention. 

We understand how the retail industry works and when the time comes to implement a Busuu language learning programme, we’ll work closely with central decision-makers, as well as local managers, to set up a regional strategy that will be aligned with your company’s global goals.       

The Busuu language learning programme is also a great way for retail businesses to improve their customer service. By offering employees the opportunity to learn new languages, businesses can provide a better customer experience and attract new customers from all over the world. With Busuu, employees can learn at their own pace and in their own time, meaning there is no need for expensive or disruptive classes. What's more, the programme is flexible enough to be used by businesses of all sizes. With learners having access to an array of helpful tools, such as interactive courses, speech recognition technology and real native speakers, our comprehensive learning package is suitable for all levels and we’re ready to support your business throughout our programme.

Image source - Busuu